Get Going Remote Learning
At Meadhurst Primary school we are committed to ensuring that all pupils continue to receive the highest quality of education possible in the event that individuals, small groups, or whole classes are unable to attend school due to circumstances relating to COVID 19. Our contingency plan for remote learning is informed by the latest guidance from the Department for Education and stakeholder feedback and is therefore an evolution of the ‘Home Learning Plan’ format offered during lockdown. This Remote Learning Plan is driven by the following overarching principles:
- Our obligation to ensure the safety of pupils, parents and staff
- Our commitment to the welfare and wellbeing of pupils and staff
- Approaching the planning task in a measured and deliberate way
- Making the best possible decisions on the basis of the evidence we have and within the constrains and parameters we face in our schools and across the Trust
Stage 1: ‘Get going work’ – Where a member of the household is awaiting the results of a test (first 48 hours), a range of resources and online learning tools will continually be available to allow children to carry on learning in core subjects.
Please click on the relevant year group.
Nursery Get Going Work Reception Get Going Work Year 1 Get Going Work
Year 2 Get Going Work Year 3 Get Going Work Year 4 Get Going Work
Year 5 Get Going Work Year 6 Get Going Work
Stage 1 ‘Get going work’
Our teachers will:
- Provide access to a range of resources and online learning tools will continually be available on the website to allow children to carry on learning in core subjects.
- Provide regular feedback to pupil’s work whilst they are learning at home.
Our pupils will be expected to:
- Engage with and complete home learning activities that have been set.
- Upload their learning as requested – photo/video of their work output.
- Use online resources such as BBC Bitesize, NumBots, TT Rockstars and any other resources provided by the school.
Parents and carers are responsible for:
- Establishing a consistent, positive space for learning with their child.
- Setting a clear routine with each child using the schedule provided and the set daily learning.
- Reading all communications that come out from the school and the class teacher to ensure they are fully aware and up to date with news.
- Supporting their children to access and complete the learning set.
- Liaising with school staff and seek support on behalf of their child when needed, with class teacher via email.
- Ensuring courtesy and politeness to any member of staff within any communication.
- Providing access to the learning offered for their children via an internet enabled device and alert the school where this presents a barrier.
- Supporting their children by uploading pictures of completed work for assessment and feedback.
- Ensuring that communication in any format shared by our staff through our online platform is treated with strict confidence and is not to be shared outside of the platform and on any other forms of social media.