Family Partnership
Hello, my name is Stephanie Holley, I am the Home School Link Worker & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead at Meadhurst Primary School.
During term time I work in partnership with parents/carers, schools and other agencies to support families, aiming to reduce current stressful situations and prevent future difficulties.
My aim is to ensure that all children enjoy school and are happy and secure.
The work I do includes:
- Offering support in school,
- Supporting parents/carers and families,
- Improving attendance and punctuality,
- Promoting positive behaviour
I can help by providing:
- One to one support, listening ear and advice
- Signposting to other agencies - i.e. Information of local services and community activities
- Support groups for parents/carers
- Support in accessing Early Help Intervention
- Support and guidance through Statutory Interventions when necessary.
Who can I help?
- Children who are withdrawn or anxious
- Children who are having friendship issues
- Parents/carers experiencing difficulties in managing their child's behaviour.
- Parents/carers whose children are not attending school or who have been excluded.
- Parent/carers who may need support on a wide range of issues impacting on their family life i.e. illness, separation, divorce or bereavement.
- Ideas for after school clubs, childcare or holiday activities.
- Parent/carers who are not sure who to talk to about a situation they are facing at home or school.
Parents/carers, school and children can ask me to become involved. With your consent we will explore the difficulties your child is experiencing and identify the best way forward.
Should a child protection issue be identified, I am legally bound to follow Government guidelines.
Should you wish to contact me in confidence, please call 01784 253311.
Best wishes,